ACOUHYB is a piano to which a 4th string has been added in the middle and high notes. In this way, both normal tuning and that applied using the ACOUHYB technique are reinforced.

ACOUHYB will be manufactured at the new Japanese piano company ENSCHU born in Shizuoka, the centre of production of musical instruments in Japan.

If you are interested in the new ACOUHYB tuning system or in the acquisition of the new ACOUHYB ENSCHU piano, do not hesitate to contact us.

7 timber proposals:
Instructions about pedals:
Listen to how the two timbers sound at the same time, the background and the melody. After a short pause, the timbers change positions.
When we first heard the main timbre voice of the first grand piano with the ACOUHYB system, it was clear that we were dealing with a new acoustic sound effect, something we had not used before, at least on the piano.
The sound duration of a piano with an ACOUHYB system is perceived as 20-25% longer.
The background accompaniment of the sound harmonics wound by the lowest tuned fourth string realizes the sensations in the perception of the musical piece.
Today, more and more professional musicians are joining the project. There are composers who write music specifically for ACOUHYB. The richness of harmonics in the sounds of an ACOUHYB assures us that this has a future.
We will develop a new topic on the specificity of the sound of the first register of ACOUHYB, which is usually tuned in our concerts according to the generally accepted standards for tuning the piano, and we will tell people about it. We have already talked about the fact that “the first timbre of ACOUHYB with a standard tuning has a specific and special background sound, but I didn’t think it would manifest itself so strongly in the real ACOUHYB with its 4 strings per note.” S. G.
When playing it, you feel as if you are playing with accompaniment. The harmonics envelop you. This can be compared, for example, to when you dip your hand in water and then in jelly – you seem to feel a slight difference between the two.
The additional volume of the sounding harmonics draws us into the music even more strongly. It makes you want to keep playing and not stop. This is a special aesthetic feeling that arises and is characteristic of playing the piano with the ACOUHYB system.

This can only be understood and felt if you try it with your own hands. We'll be glad to see you, tell us about it and come when it's more convenient for you so we can tell you about the ACOUHYB system.

And you could take advantage of the opportunity to discover the new ENSCHU pianos models:
E-121 EX;

E-170 EX; E-186 EXS.

The first ACOUHYB piano

was produced by:

Enschu Musical Instruments Production Inc.

in 2024.


2150-7, Mikatahara-cho, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, 431-2103, Japan


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